Grover Cleveland 22nd and 24th President of the United States (1885-1889) (1893-1897)
Cleveland sites that I have seen:
Cleveland Birthplace Home Caldwell, NJ
Francis Folsom Cleveland Birthplace Home Buffalo, NY
Grover Cleveland statue Buffalo, NY
Site where Cleveland practiced law and Buffalo Club Buffalo, NY
Francis Folsom Cleveland Home Medina, NY
Grover and Francis Cleveland historic marker Medina, NY
Grover's Bar and Grill, not the site of Clevelands's hunting lodge. Buffalo, NY
Site of Gray Gables Railroad station, build for Cleveland Buzzards Bay, MA
Grover Cleveland Presidential retreat vacation home "Gray Gables" Cape Cod Buzzards Bay, MA
Cleveland Home "Westland" (private property) Princeton, NJ
Gravesite in Princeton Cemetery Princeton, NJ
My nephew and I at Grover Cleveland Birthplace home in Caldwell, NJ |
I visited Grover Clevelands birthplace on June 10, 2012. It was a nice little tour that I would recommend. The house was owned by the nearby church in which Clevelands father was pastor. It is the only house with a connection to Grover Cleveland that
you can tour, except for the White House of course. They have several interesting artifacts like cake from the Clevelands White House wedding.
The room in which Cleveland was born. |
Portrait of Cleveland in the house. |
Fireplace in the house |
This was an unexpected one. While in Buffalo at the TR Inagural site I was talking with the park service people there and they mentioned that First Lady Francis Folsom Cleveland's birthplace was just a few blocks away. They showed me on
the map where it was on Edwards st. They also said that there is a historical marker there. Well I stopped and walked up and down that block on Edwards st. looking at each house then looked for a marker. When I couldn't find a
marker I gave up and left. I later found this picture of the house online confirming that I was in the right spot. But if there was a historical marker there, I must be blind. |
On a return trip to Buffalo in October 2018 I found Francis Folsom Cleveland's birthplace, This time a historic marker confirmed that I had the right place. |
Proving I was here. |
This statue of Cleveland stands outside City Hall in Buffalo, NY. Grover Cleveland lived in Buffalo for 27 years of his life. He served as Sheriff of Buffalo, and as Mayor of Buffalo, before moving up the political ladder to Governor of
New York and eventually President of the United States. It is strange though that there is little in Buffalo to commemorate Cleveland's time in Buffalo. As far as I can tell, none of the places that Cleveland lived in Buffalo are still
standing. I did receive some addresses of some of the sites where he lived from a friend, but did not have time to look them up. I hope to do more research and return to Buffalo sometime to look up more Cleveland sites. |
Grover and I |
site where Cleveland practiced law. |
Building on the site where Cleveland practiced law. |
Proving I was here. |
Buffalo Club, significant to several Presidents |
Buffalo Club |
Proving I was here. |
When Francis Folsom was 11 years old, her father Oscar Folsom died. Oscar was a close friend and law partner to Grover Cleveland. When Oscar died, Grover became legal guardian to Frances. This is the site in Medina, NY where Frances went
to live with her Grandmother after her father died. Her legal guardian Grover Cleveland would often hop on the train from Buffalo to visit his future wife here in Medina. |
Frances Folsom childhood home. |
Here is a historical marker in Medina explaining Grover and Frances's connection to the town. |
While in Medina, we walked along a section of the Erie Canal. This would of been here when Grover and Frances were here. |
Calling this a Presidential site may be a stretch. This restaurant was once billed as Grover Cleveland's hunting lodge. Several people made me aware of it, knowing my interest in Presidents, as well as my love of food. But, it proved to
be a myth, that Grover Cleveland hunted here. Even so, the bar's name is inspired by the President, and I had to try it. The burger was amazing! |
My burger at Grover's |
Grover Cleveland had a Presidential retreat in Cape Cod, Massachusetts. This is the site of the railroad station that was built for his visits. |
The railroad station is gone, But there are still railroad tracks here. |
The house at the end of the street is the site of Grover Cleveland's summer White House Presidential retreat "Gray Gables'. The house that Cleveland lived in here was eventually converted into a hotel. Which burnt down in the 1970's. In
2004, this private home was built on the property of Cleveland's home. |
As close as I got before having to turn around |
I went to a nearby beach to get a better look at the site. |
What Gray Gables looked like before it burnt down
The coast line in which President Cleveland would of found refuge from the burdens of the Presidency |
Thanks for all the wonderful information a d pictures of Cleveland sites!