Chester A. Arthur 21st President of the United States (1881-1885)
Arthur sites that I have visited:
Chester Arthur Birthplace and Reconstructed Boyhood Home site, Fairfield, Vermont
Site of his father's church Fairfield, Vermont
Presidential retreat at Soilders home Washington DC
Gravesite Albany Rural Cemetery Albany, NY
As mentioned above, the Chester Arthur birhplace is up for debate. Much like the controversey surrounding Barack Obama's birthplace. It was even suggested that Arthur was born in Canada, if true, would make him inelligable to be President. And not to far fetched since the Canadian border is just a few miles away. Even the birthyear is up for debate. Above it says that he was born Oct. 5, 1829, but on his gravestone in Albany, NY it says that he was born Oct. 5, 1830. Through it all it is widely accepted that Chester Arthur was born in Fairfield, VT on Oct. 5, 1829. But where in Fairfield isn't very clear. This marker is at the main cross roads in the small town of Fairfield, which is one possible birthplace location.
Me and the historical marker in Fairfield
I couldn't help but notice the Meeting Room named in the Presidents honor. In Fairfield
There is another location outside of Fairfield a few miles where the Arthur's lived. When the State of Vermont decided to do something to commemorate that President Arthur was born in Fairfield, this was the site that they believed to be the birthplace. So they made a reconstruction of the house that the Arthur's lived in here. And erected a stone monument marking the site as Chester Arthur's birthplace. It was later determined that this site was probably the site of Chester Arthur's 2nd home, and that he was probably born in the small town of Fairfield. We may never know for sure, But I stopped at both sites just to make sure I had my bases covered.
This is the historic marker marking the site that the State of Vermont originally determined to be Arthur's birthplace. Chester Arthur's father was a minister who moved around alot.
An over view of the Chester Arthur State Historic Site in Fairfield, VT
At the reconstructed, possible birthplace, or at least boyhood home of President Arthur
With the original Monument marking this site as the birthplace
Inside the Reconstructed House are several information boards.
Not far from the Chester Arthur State Historic Site is this church that dates back to the 1830's. It is not the original church that Arthur's father would of preached at, but it is on the same site. A wedding was going on when we passed by.
Soilders home Arthur used this house as his Presidential retreat. So did Presidents Buchanan, Lincoln and Hayes. So naturally this is now called the "Lincoln Cottage" |
If you make it to Albany Rural Cemetery to see Chester Arthur's gravesite, keep an eye out for these little markers. They will lead you right to it.
Arthur gravesite. Albany Rural Cemetery. Albany, NY. Taken September 2009 |
The Arthur gravesite is very unique. Probably the most unique of all the Presidents. As impressive as the winged angel is now. I would bet that it was really something to see back when it was new copper.
A picture taken of the Arthur gravesite on my return trip in September 2013 |
My little Khloe and I. She has been to 29 Presidential Gravesites with me. |
My little Khloe with me at Arthur's gravesite in September 2009 |
Picture taken on my return trip to Arthur's gravesite in September 2013. It was very bright that morning and made it tough to get good pictures. |
Arthur was another accidental President, assuming the Presidency after Garfields death. He actually became a bit of a reformer in spite of being a product of the system he was reforming. He signed the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act into law. Which stated that Government jobs would be given on the basis of merit, not for any other reason. Arhur lived less than 2 years after leaving office. He died in November of 1886.
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